Broward gay bar field trip

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Georgie’s Alibi / Monkey Bar was the first ever gay bar I went to in my first night in Fort Lauderdale.

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DrYnk – Bar & LoungeĪddress: 2255 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, FLĭrynk is the first stop to a fun night! This gay bar is a very chill bar with a beautiful back patio to lounge, hangout with your friends or meet locals, and drink delicious cocktails.ĭrinks at Drynk are average priced, but if you’re not into spending money on good cocktails and prefer cheaper alcohol options, head to the next two spots below.Īddress: 2266 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, FL So, if you’re looking for a night out in Gay Fort Lauderdale, here are my fave picks for Best Gay Bars and Clubs you should visit! All the gay bars & clubs are in the same area, aka drunk walking distance from each other 😉 1. And they were all so much fun and had different crowds (aka men) at each of them. So my local gay friends took me to these 4 places for a variety of different “gay scenes” and music atmosphere. In my short time in Fort Lauderdale, I really wanted to know the top gay bars and clubs to visit.

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But when I went to Fort Lauderdale for the weekend, I really only had time to visit maybe 2 a night? There are SO many gay bars & clubs in Fort Lauderdale, and most blog posts cover them all.

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